

Partner (Sabbatical)




David Diez co-founded OpenIntro and is focusing his time scaling OpenIntro into new subjects. He is a quantitative analyst in the SF Bay Area.
Chris Barr co-founded OpenIntro and is currently on sabbatical. He was previously an Assistant Professor at Harvard University and is currently working in finance in Manhattan.
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel is a co-author on the textbook and also develops supporting material such as labs. She is an Assistant Professor of the Practice at Duke University.
Leah Dorazio works on the Advanced High School Statistics textbook and resources. She teaches Statistics and Computer Science at San Francisco University High School.
Meenal Patel is an
and children's book author,
and she designed the OpenIntro website and regularly provides design support for OpenIntro resources.





Emiliano Vega develops on supplemental sections and a web version of Advanced HS Statistics. He's an instructor at Portland Community College.
Ralf Youtz works on supplemental sections and a web version of Advanced HS Statistics. He's an instructor at Portland Community College.
Adam Gilbert leads the OpenIntro Statistics implementation on
MyOpenMath. He's an assistant professor at Southern New Hampshire
Amy Hogan develops supplemental resources for Advanced High School
Statistics. She is a Math for America Master Teacher and an ASA
Education Section Fellow.
She teaches at Brooklyn Technical High School.
Juan develops supplemental resources for Advanced High School Statistics.
He currently works at Carmel High School teaching mathematics and statistics.






Vural Aksakalli has developed and maintains the Python labs.
He is a Senior Lecturer at RMIT University.
Albert Y. Kim develops statistics labs. He will be an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Middlebury College as of September 2015.
Curry Hilton works on supplemental materials, including slides and exams. He's an Applied Statistics graduate student at University of Alabama.
Andrew Bray develops statistics labs. He is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Reed College.
Matt Thomas has joined OpenIntro to expand the softwares we support in OpenIntro Labs. He is an assistant professor at Ithaca College.





Shannon Pileggi develops content for OpenIntro videos, and she is a faculty member in the Cal Poly Statistics Department.
Rebecca Wolfson works on OpenIntro's social media presence and media strategy. She is a content producer at a San Francisco non-profit.
Edwin Chen works on the OpenIntro website and other tech products. He is working on a startup in the SF Bay Area.
Matt Hudson brings 10 years of experience in analytics and product management to OpenIntro, advising the team and helping define a world class experience for statistics learners.



Thank You

David Diez (president), Mark Hansen, David Harrington, Jeremy Kraut-Ordover (treasurer and secretary), Shannon McClintock.
We are very grateful to the friends of OpenIntro who have volunteered along the way:
Chris Pope (past volunteer) helped develop a trial internship program at OpenIntro.
David Laffie (past volunteer) helped manage the OpenIntro Forums content curator.
Yongtao Guan (past fellow) provided advice and mentorship to the team.
Filipp Brunshteyn (past fellow) provided guidance and support in developing project strategy.
Luke Paulsen (past intern/volunteer) performed and described analyses to highlight interesting data sets.
Sarah McGovern (past volunteer) helped jump-start the videos for OpenIntro Statistics.
Rob Gould (past fellow) provided advice and mentorship to the team.
We would also like to gratefully acknowledge Arnold & Porter LLP, and in particular the talented members of their staff, including Maxwell C. Preston, Daniel Bernstein, and Louis S. Ederer, who have generously provided pro bono legal counsel in areas of copyright, intellectual property, and general corporate law.
Frequently Asked Questions
Information on Rights of use may be
found in its own section. Additional information about OpenIntro may be found at
our Blog.
Statistics questions may be posted in the Public Forums.
What is OpenIntro? Is it a nonprofit?
OpenIntro is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is independently operated.
While we are not part of any college or university, we frequently
partner with faculty to develop and test resources, since most of
the people who use our books are in courses at such schools.
How are resources tested?
The textbook and other resources have been tested by
a wide range of instructors. For example,
our textbooks have been used in high schools and at dozens of colleges,
from Edmonds Community College in Washington
to Princeton University in New Jersey to the Indian Institute of Management
in Ahmedabad, India. The feedback we've received from both students and teachers
help us constantly improve the textbook and our other resources.
How is OpenIntro different?
Innovation is often driven by enthusiasm, not money.
Our staff has volunteered thousands of hours
to develop the best resources and make them available
for free.
It is our mission to make educational materials available
and accessible to everyone.
We believe this is why OpenIntro has been a success:
teachers can relate to our values, they recognize
our high standards, and they enjoy knowing every student
in their classroom can access and afford the course materials.
How can I contribute?
There are many ways to get involved or support the
1. Use open-source resources, and provide feedback
to help those resources improve.
2. Be an advocate for
open-source resources. Let other people know that
open-source resources offer benefits over
expensive alternatives: free and perpetual access
for all students before, during, and after the course.
3. If you are interested in becoming actively involved,
send one of our staff members an email to introduce yourself.
We're always looking expand OpenIntro to include new
people, projects, and ideas.
If I buy a book, does it help the project?
It depends, but generally yes!
The sales margin on $20 paperbacks is about $6, with the
rest of the money going to printing cost and to the retailer.
The ISRS1 paperback has no margin at its $8.49 price (as of July 2019).
We may increase the price to $10 to provide about a $1 margin sometime
in the future.
Electronic purchases via Leanpub offer much better sales margins for us,
typically 80-90% of the contribution (all electronic resources
are free with an option to contribute, and yes, it is 100% okay
to choose the free option).
We also accept
donations, which are tax-deductable in the US,
and of course have the best margin (97% after a 3% processing fee).
All revenue goes towards the project's mission since
we're a nonprofit.
Sincerely Yours,