US Counties (countyComplete)
Data for 3083 counties in the United States, including variables for demographic, financial, education, and other characteristics. For a more complete set of counties and variables, see the "countyComplete" data set from the openintro package, or for a tab-delimed text file version, download OpenIntro's data set repository.
Data Source: US Census website.
- growth: County-level population growth from 2000 to 2010.
- FIPS: FIPS code.
- pop2010: 2010 county population.
- pop2000: 2000 county population.
- age_under_5: Percent of population under 5 (2010).
- age_under_18: Percent of population under 18 (2010).
- age_over_65: Percent of population over 65 (2010).
- female: Percent of population that is female (2010).
- black: Percent of population that is black (2010).
- hispanic: Percent of population that is Hispanic (2010).
- white_not_hispanic: Percent of population that is white and not Hispanic (2010).
- no_move_in_one_plus_year: Percent of population that has not moved in at least one year (2006-2010).
- foreign_born: Percent of population that is foreign-born (2006-2010).
- foreign_spoken_at_home: Percent of population that speaks a foreign language at home (2006-2010).
- hs_grad: Percent of population that is a high school graduate (2006-2010).
- bachelors: Percent of population that earned a bachelor's degree (2006-2010).
- mean_work_travel: Mean travel time to work (2006-2010).
- home_ownership: Homeownership rate (2006-2010).
- housing_multi_unit: Housing units in multi-unit structures (2006-2010).
- median_val_owner_occupied: Median value of owner-occupied housing units (2006-2010).
- persons_per_household: Persons per household (2006-2010).
- per_capita_income: Per capita money income in past 12 months (2010 dollars, 2006-2010).
- poverty: Percent below poverty level (2006-2010).
- sales_per_capita: Retail sales per capita (2007).
- density: Persons per square mile (2010).